Monday, June 19, 2017

One Martini, Two Martini, Three Martini...FLOOR

Why is it that when you make that choice for a martini that it seems to bite back? What most forget is that a martini is made with a double shot. So when you think back to the night before and say I only had 3...well you can do the math.
Where the martini was created is as muddled as some the day after a night of drinking. There are some who claim its origins to mid 1800s and that the name comes from the Martini & Rossi vermouth, others to days of the late 1880s in San Francisco during the gold rush period in California and then others who claim the Knickerbocker Hotel created/perfected the drink in New York circa 1912. Whichever story is true, it has become a staple in the cocktail industry for more than a century.
The martini is a multifarious cocktail with its beginnings as simply gin and vermouth.
The heyday of the martini came in the 50s, with vodka being added in as an either or and the popularization of the businessman's martini lunch that carried on well into the 80s. The burst of variations with the martini was created in the late 90s ever evolving adding much to the mix with flavored vodka, juice and syrups.
With the latest in recent trending of craft cocktails we've seen the desire of classic cocktails running side by side with this renaissance of a golden cocktail era. This has led to the martini being able to stave off extinction and remain part of the ever changing cocktail standard.
               Whether your tastebuds call for a classic stirred, a perfect vodka with a twist or a dirty extra dry with stuffed olives, there will always be a bartender to cater to your each and every whim... even if you're craving a wasabi cucumber martini.
                    So next time out for cocktail hour, swig a martini or two or three... just don't get bit, 'cause even tini bites have big effects.



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