Tuesday, May 23, 2017


    I often wonder am I the only person who finds myself after reading articles or reviews written by food/restaurantcritics pondering as to what qualifications do they have to base such opinions upon. When I Googled adefinition of “Food Critic” there seemed to be 3 standout qualifications…
·       a writer who specializes in the areas of food and drink
·      must have knowledge appropriate to the industry
·      be able to discuss food, presentation and service experience in an engaging and informative manner
      I read these over and over again and after much deep thought I was asking and answering my own questions…
Do I feel that these are the qualities I would want and expect?
  YES these seem like logical expectations. 

Do I feel that most food critics/writers exude these qualities? 

 Too many times there is no real experience shared of industry knowledge, service experience or even basic principles of culinary terms and understanding. To those who read these columns/blogs I feel there is an expectation of qualifications, because if we wanted uneducated, biased views full of rants and nonsense we would just read Yelp.  Yet we have a world filled with critics/bloggers, which as best I can see has way to many “writers” who have an unusual fascination with “self importance”. 

Now I may be coming across a bit jaded… I’m not.  I just think that we all deserve more knowledge and positivity in our life. And moreover a gentrification of thought with regard to Nosh (food) and Swig (a drink) Graffiti (expression within a public view). Hence why I have launched Nosh and Swig Graffiti. A voice utilizing years of inquiry, experience and appropriate knowledge of the industry with an outlet for writing, posting and informing on various social media outlets, not just rants looking to go out and slam someone or thing.

This blog will host a randomness of informative thoughts, events and reviews of people, places and things all relating to the enjoyment of food and drink.

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